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We offer beauty on purpose, ritual for resilience, dreams as wayfinder in our unique blend of ritual, story, family and systems constellations.


We facilitate process for individuals, communities and organisations in one-on-one, group or team consultations, ceremonies and workshops. Our work supports people and projects to stay on purpose, whole, connected and moving in the direction of love.



One on One
Muiz Community Constellations 
Organisational Constellations 




Born in Cape Town, South Africa into a rich, marginalised cultural heritage I identify as a Camissa African. We are genetically complex peoples collectively representing over 195 lineages. I am a dreamer, storyteller, writer and facilitator. I work with intuitions, visions and learned storying techniques to support soul reconnection. Guiding people, organisations and communities to connect to purpose and find power in their stories through healing relationship with body, land and heritage. 


I offer an inspired mix of ritual and systems constellations, weaving together years of communications and management skills with reviving indigenous knowledge. I work with all my lineages, life and career experience. Inclusion is a big theme in my work, and I have a tendency to blend and ability to hold diverse complexity. The experience is frequently multi-sensory, embodied and reverent. Every experience is unique and we dream into each enquiry with our clients to allow the greater soul story to reveal what is possible to restore the flow of love in a given system.


I live in my birthplace after many years of trying to be from somewhere else. It fills my heart with deep relief and gratitude to finally feel rooted in this life, and Muizenberg on the Cape's South Peninsula. I hold a B.A. degree in Communications Science, am a graduate of African Constellations. My learning is continuous with mentorship in various african, water medicine and nature-based traditions including my own indigenous Khoena lineage. My Consulting CV and career experience are available on LinkedIn.

about us


“Nicole took our team through an online constellations process that brought together modern day technology and ancient wisdom of constellations. It pushed us out of our comfort zone and brought to light people's motivations and team dynamics in ways that traditional methods would not have uncovered in such a short space of time.”

Anonymous Founding Directors

I’ve known and worked with Nicole for several years. Having witnessed her work and its impact on the individuals and groups that she interacts with I can attest to her skill as a Constellations facilitator, storyteller and bringer of indigenous knowledge into organisational and corporate settings. Nicole bridges different worlds with seeming ease and good humour.

Paul Hollesen, Sustainability consultant and facilitator 

“Nicole has a way of facilitating processes that is slow, considered, inclusive and

gentle. Her intuitive and peripheral gaze brings unprocessed and unacknowledged but

crucial information to the surface in both individuals and systems, allowing for shifts of

stagnant dynamics into new ways of seeing and being. I recommend her highly, and wish her well.”

Dr Dawn Garisch, founder member of the Life Righting Collective

“I’ve been privileged to have experienced the power of Nicole's 1:1 constellations work. I didn't know what to expect, and was blown away by her intuitive insight and ability to work with subtle energy. I went to her because I was feeling stuck in multiple areas of my life, and the session precipitated a shift that I am still feeling the impact of now, months later. I strongly recommend her as a talented practitioner.”

Anonymous 1:1 constellations client

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Image courtesy of Lisa Drogemoller

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